Sterols and cholesterol in particular are lipids that have been studied exh
austively in view of their vital role in diverse cellular functions. Recent
ly, it has been recognized that cholesterol is not only an essential compon
ent for the formation of membranes and the synthesis of steroid hormones an
d bile acids, but also is a key molecule in caveolae formation and embryoni
c development. Intracellular cholesterol can be derived exogenously from th
e plasma via receptor-mediated uptake or endogenously via de novo biosynthe
sis, However, as a consequence of the toxic effects of excess cholesterol i
n the cell and the well established contribution of hypercholesteremia to a
therosclerotic diseases, it is of most importance to control cholesterol ho
meostasis as efficiently as possible. Until now, the regulation of the cont
ent of intracellular cholesterol was thought to be predominantly achieved b
y a feedback mechanism controlling a variety of genes involved in cholester
ol biosynthesis and cholesterol uptake. The key factor in this process is a
basic helix loop helix - leucine zipper protein, designated ADD-1/SREBP, a
transcription factor activated by a cholesterol - dependent proteolytic sy
stem. Only recently, a new group of nuclear hormone receptors has been disc
overed that control the activation of diverse pathways involved in the util
isation of cholesterol. These receptors, including LXR, SF-1, FXR, and the
recently identified receptors PXR and SXR, are activated by cholesterol int
ermediates or derivatives, The identification of sterol-activated nuclear r
eceptors opens up a whole new area in the lipid and endocrinology research
field. A better comprehension of the mechanism of action and the physiologi
cal role of these receptors will undoubtedly contribute to find new therape
utic ways in the treatment of metabolic disorders linked to an abberated ch
olesterol metabolism.