Siemens is currently developing - in cooperation with the German nucle
ar utilities and with support from various European partners - the SWR
1000, a new boiling water reactor product line with passive safety fe
atures and an electric output of around 1000 MW. The safety concept of
the SWR 1000 consists of passive safety equipment combined with activ
e systems and through this diversity, meets the goal of reducing the p
robability of core damage even further compared to existing plants. Fu
rthermore, the design is aimed at being able to control a postulated c
ore melt accident to such an extent that the consequences of the accid
ent remain restricted to the plant, making wide-scale emergency respon
se actions in the vicinity of the plant, such as evacuation or relocat
ion, unnecessary. Despite these very high safety requirements, the obj
ective of ensuring competitive power generating costs compared to larg
e-capacity nuclear power plants as well as coal-fired stations must al
so be attained.