Thirty asthmatic patients were evaluated to assess the association of thera
py with inhalatory corticosteroids and an educational program, EDUCASMA. Sp
irometric evaluation with Flow-Volume loop (MEDICAL GRAPHIC CPF-S), ambulat
ory FEP (mini WRIGHT meters) was performed. In regard of initial symptoms p
atients were qualified as moderate or severe. After two weeks of a screenin
g period, they were randomized into 2 groups: a) beclomethasone; b) budeson
ide; respective doses in according to the initial status. During the study
period (8 wks) they visited the medical Staff six or more times. In each vi
sit the patients received clinical evaluation (i.e. clinical scoring, spiro
metry (i.e. FEV1), and FEP ambulatory revision. FEP (x) over bar (mean), FE
P delta, FEV1, and clinical scores values were matched at the start and at
the end of the follow-up period. Non-parametric statistics were applied (Wi
lcoxon test) and significative changes were defined (p < 0.05). Conclusions
: 1) inhalatory corticosteroids therapy associated with a previous educatio
nal program could achieve early improvements of clinical scores; 2) in mode
rate asthma ambulatory FEP showed objective changes both in beclomethasone
and budesonide treatments. It appears to indicate increasing changes very c
lose to the clinical improvement; 3) the short period of our observation an
d the inflammatory condition of airways In severe asthma, could be explaine
d as probable factors for the minor differences in the FEV1 evaluation; 4)
no differences between budesonide and beclomethasone treatment were found.