The primary cardiac lymphoma is extremely rare. A case is presented of a 60
year old female patient with non-Hodgkin lymphoma of probable primary card
iac localization and with subsequent extension to peripheral lymph nodes. S
he had had a febrile syndrome for 8 months. Two two-dimensional echocardiog
rams gave negative results. Due to a syncope with atrial fibrillation, a tr
ansesophageal echocardiogram was carried out, which showed tumors in both a
tria, interatrial septum and right ventricle. The later appearance of right
preauricular lymph nodes and left supraclavicular nodes led to a biopsy wh
ich confirmed a diagnosis of diffuse non-Hodgkin lymphoma with large immuno
blastic cells. The patient died 15 months after the first symptoms, having
undergone 6 chemotherapy cycles. The autopsy showed remission of the macros
copic lesions but presence of microscopic lesions in the cardiac chambers w
ith histology and phenotypic markers identical to the ones found in the lym
ph nodes.