The effects of patch size on the colonisation and succession of intertidal
invertebrates and algae were investigated in an estuary near Sydney, New So
uth Wales, Australia. The specific aim was to test explicitly for the prese
nce of a species-area relationship, and examine whether this could be expla
ined by the random placement hypothesis (i.e. that the number of species pe
r unit area was the same on patches of different sizes). In addition, I tes
ted the extent to which differences in numbers of species reflected differe
nces in the composition of assemblages. Wooden panels of three different si
zes (10 x 10 cm, 20 x 20 cm and 40 x 40 cm) were placed in the field on int
ertidal oyster leases in each of two different experimental trials: spring
(October 1994) and summer (January 1995). Independent replicate measures of
the number of colonising species on panels were obtained after different p
eriods of time, up to 25 months. I also obtained measures of abundance of i
ndividual species and composition of assemblages on panels of different siz
es. This allowed specific tests of the hypothesis that the size of the patc
h being colonised is important in structuring these assemblages. The streng
th of the species-area relationship increased through time on panels submer
sed in October, but the trend was reversed for panels submersed in January.
There was a significant interaction between factors of patch size and time
of submersion for multivariate measures of differences in composition amon
g replicates. The random placement hypothesis was supported in certain situ
ations, but not in others. When rejected, it was far different reasons on p
anels submersed in the two different trials. Panels initiated in October te
nded to have proportionally greater numbers of species per unit area on lar
ger panels, while the panels initiated in January tended to have more speci
es per unit area on smaller panels. There was an identifiable relationship
between differences in numbers of species and differences in species compos
ition for panels submersed in October. This was not true, however, for pane
ls submersed in January, where the species-area relationship did not hold a
fter longer periods. The succession of organisms through time was, overall,
more important in structuring the assemblages than was the size of the pat
ch being colonised. The species-area relationship should not necessarily be
regarded as a truism - it did not always hold in this system. The initial
timing of experiments with respect to recruitment and succession influenced
the results.