An electron spin moving adiabatically in a strong, spatially nonuniform mag
netic field accumulates a geometric phase or Berry phase, which might be ob
servable as a conductance oscillation in a mesoscopic ring. Two contradicti
ng theories exist for how strong the magnetic field should be to ensure adi
abaticity if the motion is diffusive. To resolve this controversy, we study
the effect of a nonuniform magnetic field on the spin polarization and on
the weak-localization effect. The diffusion equation for the Cooperon is so
lved exactly. Adiabaticity requires that the spin-precession time is short
compared to the elastic scattering time-it is not sufficient that it is sho
rt compared to the diffusion time around the ring. This strong condition se
verely complicates the experimental observation. [S0163-1829(99) 10103-6].