A phylogenetic study based on sequence data from the complete internal tran
scribed spacer region (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA for sect. Polium of th
e genus Teucrium shows both intersectional congruence and intrasectional in
congruence with traditional morphological classifications. We attribute thi
s incongruence largely to problems related to the polyploid complex studied
. Section Polium includes many poorly differentiated taxa of probable recen
t origin through hybridization followed by polyploidization. Both on the ba
sis of parsimony and distance (Neighbor-Joining method) analyses, T. dunens
e and T. thymifolium are the species that diverge most from the sampled tax
a. However, unlike T. thymifolium, the morphology of ir: dunense is not muc
h differentiated in relation to the other taxa. Both species are, nonethele
ss, the only sampled species to occupy isolated, exclusive environments and
which may have undergone rapid evolution by a bottleneck effect. Teucrium
dunense is found only on dunes along the Spanish and French coasts and ir:
thymifolium, a chasmophytic species with limited endemism, is found solely
on limestone and dolomite cliffs in the low mountains in south-eastern Spai
n. A hypothesis is presented to explain the discrepancy between the observe
d comparatively large amount of ITS sequence divergence and the low morphol
ogical differentiation in T. dunense.