Tumescent liposuction is currently one of the most commonly performed aesth
etic procedures. Despite the variable rue of preoperative antibiotics, infe
ction is uncommon. Prior works suggest that the low incidence of infection
may be due to lidocaine's antibacterial properties. However, these prop el-
ties have only been demonstrated using concentrations of lidocaine above 0.
8%, significantly higher than those used in tumescent liposuction. The purp
ose of this study was to determine if the commonly used tumescent fluid con
taining 0.1% lidocaine, 1:1000,000 epinephrine, and 0.012 mEq sodium bicarb
onate possesses antibacterial activity. Using the broth microdilution metho
d, the minimum inhibitory concentrations of Escherichia coli, Proteus mirab
ilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Group A beta-hemol
ytic Streptococcus were determined after exposure to either lidocaine, epin
ephrine, bicarbonate, or the combination of all three agents. To determine
if there were significant growth differences not detectable by the broth mi
crodilution method, bacterial concentrations were obtained through the use
of a spectrophotometer, and significant differences fi om the controls were
calculated by one-way analysis of variance. To determine if prolonged expo
sure to the tumescent mix would alter bacterial growth, a Killing Time stud
y was also undertaken. The results indicated that the minimum inhibitory co
ncentration of lidocaine was not less than 0.5% for any of the bacteria, wh
ereas the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration of the combined solution
was 0.25%. The lowest inhibitory concentration as determined by spectrophot
ometric analysis for the combined solution was 0.13% (p < 0.01). Analysis o
f the Killing Time data revealed no inhibition of bacterial growth over tim
e. In conclusion, lidocaine, epinephrine, and bicarbonate do exhibit antiba
cterial properties at high concentrations. However, the commonly used tumes
cent mixture containing dilute concentrations of these agents does not sign
ificantly inhibit the growth of commonly encountered bacteria.