INCREASINGLY RECOGNIZED as a potential public health problem since the outb
reak of Legionnaire's disease in Philadelphia in 1976, polluted indoor air
has been associated with health problems that include asthma, sick building
syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
Symptoms are often nonspecific and include headache, eye and throat irrita
tion, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and fatigue. Airborne contam
inants include commonly used chemicals, vehicular exhaust, microbial organi
sms, fibrous glass particles, and dust. Identified causes include defective
building design and construction, aging of buildings and their ventilation
systems, poor climate control, inattention to building maintenance. A majo
r contributory factor is the explosion in the use of chemicals in building
construction and furnishing materials over the past four decades. Organizat
ional issues and psychological variables often contribute to the problem an
d hinder its resolution. This article describes the health problems related
to poor indoor air quality and offers solutions.