Is computer software-code written by humans that instructs a computer to pe
rform certain tasks-protected by the First Amendment? The answer to this qu
estion will significantly impact the course of future technological regulat
ion and will affect the scope of free expression rights in new media. In th
is note, R. Polk Wagner sets forth a framework for analysis of this issue,
noting at the outset that the truly important question in this context is t
he threshold question: What is "speech or... the press"? Wagner first descr
ibes two ways that the Supreme Court has addressed the threshold question.
One is ontological-focusing on the expressive content of the speaker Ss con
duct or the medium chosen. The second approach is teleological-determining
whether the regulation at issue implicates free expression. Wagner argues t
hat the teleological mode-especially as applied to computer software and ot
her new media-is the more likely to be consistently speech-protective, and
that the courts that have addressed computer software have mistakenly opted
for the ontological, medium-focused analysis. Use of a teleological approa
ch implies that there should be no "law of software," a conclusion that Wag
ner argues holds the most promise for extending robust First Amendment prot
ections into new mediums of communication.