Objectives-To describe a novel technique for the surgical treatment of idio
pathic chylothorax in a dog.
Animals-A 6-year-old, male Rhodesian Ridgeback, which presented with a hist
ory of reduced exercise tolerance and dyspnea.
Methods-Idiopathic chylothorax was diagnosed. Intermittent pleural drainage
failed to resolve the problem. During surgery, extensive pleural fibrosis
made it impossible to identify the thoracic duct. A dorsal omental pedicle
was advanced through an incision in the diaphragm and into the cranial thor
acic cavity to act as a physiological drain.
Results-The dog recovered well and has remained free from clinical signs of
recurrence of the effusion (16 months at the time of writing).
Conclusions-The disease-free interval achieved in this dog indicates that t
his novel technique is worthy of further consideration in the management of
idiopathic chylothorax. (C)Copyright 1999 by The American College of Veter
inary Surgeons.