Objective: Since there is limited information concerning caffeine's metabol
ic effects on the human brain, the authors applied a rapid proton echo-plan
ar spectroscopic imaging technique to dynamically measure regional brain me
tabolic responses to caffeine ingestion. They specifically measured changes
in brain lactate due to the combined effects of caffeine's stimulation of
glycolysis and reduction of cerebral blood flow. Method: Nine heavy caffein
e users and nine caffeine-intolerant individuals, who had previously discon
tinued or substantially curtailed use of caffeinated products because of as
sociated anxiety and discomforting physiological arousal, were studied at b
aseline and then during 1 hour following ingestion of caffeine citrate (10
mg/kg). To assess state-trait contributions and the effects of caffeine tol
erance, five of the caffeine users were restudied after a 1- to 2-month caf
feine holiday. Results: The caffeine-intolerant individuals, but not the re
gular caffeine users, experienced substantial psychological and physiologic
al distress in response to caffeine ingestion. Significant increases in glo
bal and regionally specific brain lactate were observed only among the caff
eine-intolerant subjects. Reexposure of the regular caffeine users to caffe
ine after a caffeine holiday resulted in little or no adverse clinical reac
tion but significant rises in brain lactate which were of a magnitude simil
ar to that observed for the caffeine-intolerant group. Conclusions: These r
esults provide direct evidence for the loss of caffeine tolerance in the hu
man brain subsequent to caffeine discontinuation and suggest mechanisms for
the phenomenon of caffeine intolerance other than its metabolic effects on
elevating brain lactate.