Trovafloxacin provides broad in vitro and in vivo coverage of the aerobic a
nd anaerobic pathogens found frequently in surgical infections. In vitro su
sceptibility testing indicated that trovafloxacin inhibited gram-positive s
taphylococci and enterococci, numerous gram-negative organisms, including E
scherichia coli, and anaerobic pathogens, such as Bacteroides fragilis. Tro
vafloxacin protected mice from lethal infections induced by gram-negative o
r gram-positive organisms, even when these organisms were inoculated in com
bination with B. fragilis. Trovafloxacin protected rats in models of intra-
abdominal sepsis induced by inoculation with E. coli and B. fragilis or wit
h multiple aerobic and anaerobic pathogens. In these experimental models, t
rovafloxacin protected rats from lethal infection, reduced intra-abdominal
abscess formation, and inhibited bacterial growth. Drug concentrations were
greater in intra-abdominal abscesses than in serum, reflecting the good ti
ssue penetration of trovafloxacin. These results indicate that trovafloxaci
n may be effective in prophylaxis and treatment of mixed infections in surg
ical patients. (C) 1998 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.