The static and dynamical behavior of a fluorescently labeled mutant of the
Escherichia coli periplasmic phosphate binding protein (PBP) was investigat
ed through steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy; As a m
eans of developing a biorecognition element for inorganic phosphate (P-i),
alanine-197 of PBP was replaced with a cysteine, This site was then labeled
with an environmentally sensitive fluorophore. The fluorescence emission o
f the mutant PBP labeled with acrylodan (MPBP-AC) proved to be sensitive to
micromolar concentrations of P-i, as indicated by a 50% increase in the st
eady-state emission intensity. Steady-state results indicated that the labe
ling protocol was specific for cys-197 only and did not label the wild-type
PBP; thus, a site-selective labeling protocol was developed; Time-resolved
measurements were used to determine the influence of the dynamics of MPBP-
AC on the process of signal transduction, Time-resolved anisotropy measurem
ents revealed that rotational dynamics were best described by a model with
two independent motions: the global motion of the protein and the local mot
ion of the acrylodan probe. The rates of both global and local rotational r
eorientation of MPBP-AC were faster when the protein was P-i-bound rather t
han P-i-free. This was a result of structural changes involving or surround
ing both the P-i-binding site (global changes) and the residues in near pro
ximity to the fluorescent reporter group (local changes). Recovery of the s
emiangle (theta) indicated that local structural changes in MPBP-AC took pl
ace when P-i was bound to the protein, Acrylodan gained mobility when MPBP-
AC bound P-i, as indicated by the fact that theta increased by approximatel
y 5 degrees, In addition, dynamic quenching measurements confirmed that str
uctural changes occurred locally near the cys-197, Acrylodan became more ac
cessible to iodide when MPBP-AC bound P-i, as demonstrated by the 35% incre
ase in the value of the bimolecular quenching constant.