Dissected tissue pieces of the pituitary pars intermedia from the amphibian
Xenopus laevis was directly subjected to matrix-assisted laser desorption/
ionization (MALDI) mass analysis. The obtained MALDI peptide profile reveal
ed both previously known and unexpected processing products of the proopiom
elanocortin gene. Mass spectrometric peptide sequencing of a few of these n
europeptides was performed by employing MALDI combined with postsource deca
y (PSD) fragment ion mass analysis. The potential of MALDI-PSD for sequence
analysis of peptides directly from unfractionated tissue samples was exami
ned for the first time for the known desacetyl-alpha-MSH-NH2 and the presum
ed vasotocin neuropeptide. In addition, the sequence of an unknown peptide
which was present in the pars intermedia tissue sample at mass 1392.7 u was
determined. The MALDI-PSD mass spectrum of precursor ion 1392.7 u containe
d sufficient structural information to uniquely identify the sequence by se
arching protein sequence databases. The determined amino acid sequence corr
esponds to the vasotocin peptide with a C-terminal extension of Gly-Lys-Arg
("vasotocinyl-GKR"), indicating incomplete processing of the vasotocin pre
cursor protein in the pituitary pars intermediate of X. laevis. Both vasoto
cin and vasotocinyl-GKR are nonlinear peptides containing a disulfide (S-S)
bridge between two cysteine residues. Interpretation of the spectra of the
se two peptides reveals three different forms of characteristic fragment io
ns of the cysteine side chain: peptide-CH2-SH (regular mass of Cys-containi
ng fragment ions), peptide -CH2-S-SH (regular mass + 32 u) and peptide=CH2
(regular mass - 34 u) due to cleavage on either side of the sulfur atoms.