Several physical, psychological and behavioural changes may affect food hab
its during adolescence and have long-term consequences on adult health stat
us. Also, as food habits are related to lifestyle and physical activity, al
l should be assessed together. This paper describes a self-administered foo
d frequency questionnaire (FFQ) designed to assess semi-quantitatively food
habits of adolescents, and evaluates its use in a study of lifestyle and p
hysical activity.
A FFQ was developed, tested in 20 adolescents and compared with a modified
version of the diet history method (a combination of a 3-day dietary record
and an interview with a dietitian). This validated semi-quantitative quest
ionnaire was later included in a larger questionnaire on lifestyle and phys
ical activity in a study of 3540 adolescents aged 9-19 years. In the valida
tion study with 20 adolescents, the FFQ showed a good agreement with the mo
dified version of the diet history. During the survey several consumption f
requencies were found to be low. In the group of adolescents aged 14-19 yea
rs old, dairy products were consumed daily by less than 50% of the sample.
About 53% girls but only 33% boys consumed one fruit daily. For one vegetab
le portion, these proportions were 17 and 8%, respectively.
The self-administered food frequency questionnaire correctly describes food
consumption in adolescents. Moreover, it was well accepted by the target g
roup, easily understood and completed with very few problems. The results s
how that a significant proportion of adolescents didn't consume milk, fruit
and vegetable on a daily basis. (C) 1999 Academic Press.