Objectives: To present and discuss 2 patients with acquired peripapillary p
igmented lesions.
Methods: We reviewed the patients' clinical records and histopathologic fin
Results: The first patient was diagnosed with a pigmented papillary lesion
that tvas followed up for 38 years. The second patient was a child with neu
rofibromatosis type 1 who developed a pigmented peripapillary lesion follow
ing excision of an optic nerve glioma. Histologic findings in both cases de
monstrated hyperplasia of the retinal pigment epithelium with associated fi
Conclusions: The lesions presented an idiopathic reactive hyperplasia of th
e retinal pigment epithelium. The clinical and histopathologic findings res
emble findings reported with the combined hamartoma. We suggest that such l
esions are reactive in nature, rather than hamartomatous.