Adenomas of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium are rare tumors and are dif
ficult to differentiate from amelanotic malignant melanomas of the ciliary
body. We describe a 62-year-old woman with a nonpigmented, vascularized iri
s tumor with small satellites involving the anterior chamber angle. Clinica
lly, an amelanotic, tapioca, malignant melanoma of the iris was suggested a
lthough the blood-aqueous barrier was intact. A block excision of 7.5 mm, a
tectonic corneoscleral graft, and a simultaneous extracapsular cataract ex
traction with implantation of a posterior chamber lens were performed. Hist
opathologic and electron microscopic studies revealed an adenoma of the non
pigmented ciliary epithelium. Postoperative visual acuity was 20/40 OD afte
r 6 weeks. An adenoma of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium may mimic an a
melanotic malignant melanoma of the iris and should be considered in its di
fferential diagnosis.