Little is known about the long-term effects of fluoride-releasing materials
on carious dentine in vivo. The aim was to investigate the 2-year influenc
e of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RM-GIC) and amalgam on the bact
eriological counts of carious dentine that remained under class I restorati
ons. To enable a split-mouth design, 33 molar pairs in 33 patients (mean ag
e 15.1 years, SD 1.4) were selected, based on clinically and radiographical
ly diagnosed occlusal dentine caries. The enamel of the carious molars was
removed, and the carious dentine was sampled under aseptic conditions just
beneath the dentinoenamel junction. The molars were alternately restored wi
th RM-GIC or amalgam without further removal of carious dentine. The sample
s were processed for microbiological determination of total viable counts (
TVC), mutans streptococci (MS), and lactobacilli (LB). The molar pairs of 2
5 patients were reevaluated after 2 years using the same clinical technique
s and were permanently restored after complete caries removal. Both materia
ls showed a substantial decrease in numbers of TVC and LB of the carious de
ntine after the 2-year period. Compared to amalgam, the decrease in the num
bers of LB was significantly more pronounced for RM-GIC. No microorganisms
were detected in only 11 molars (6 RM-GIC and 5 amalgam] after the 2-year p
eriod. Based on this study, we suggest that complete removal of carious den
tine is still the best conservative treatment, irrespective of the restorat
ive material used.