There have been inconclusive reports of intermittent rhythmic fructuations
in human core temperature, with the fluctuations having a period of about a
n hour. However, there has been no definitive demonstration of the phenomen
on. This is likely due to the intermittency and seeming instability of the
events. They have been assumed to be secondary rather than autonomous pheno
mena, putatively arising from the oscillation between rapid eye movement (R
EM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep. In this study, we report identification of a
clear, persistent circhoral ultradian rhythm in core temperature with a per
iod for this study sample of 64 +/- 8 minutes. It appeared simultaneously w
ith an intact circadian core temperature rhythm, persisted despite complex
perturbations in core temperature brought about by the sequelae of 40h of s
leep deprivation, and could not be attributed to sleep stage alternation or
other endogenous or exogenous factors. Analysis of power spectra using the
maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA) method, which can uncover hidden
rhythmicities, demonstrated that the apparent intermittency of the rhythm i
s due to periodic interference of this rhythm by other rhythmic events. The
persistence of this oscillation suggests that, in this system as in the en
docrine system, circhoral regulation is an integral component of thermoregu
latory control. Identifying the source and functional role of this never rh
ythm warrants further work.