Many problems in plasma physics involve substantial amounts of analytical v
ector calculation. The complexity usually originates from both the vector o
perations themselves and the underlying coordinate systems. A computer alge
bra package for symbolic vector analysis in general coordinate systems, Gen
eralVectorAnalysis (GVA), is developed using Mathematica. The modem viewpoi
nt for 3D vector calculus, differential forms on 3-manifolds, is adopted to
unify and systematize the vector calculus operations in general coordinate
systems, Besides the basic vector analysis functions, the package provides
asymptotic capabilities, 2D vector analysis notation, and a simple interfa
ce for users to define their own coordinate systems. These features will be
nefit physicists and applied mathematicians in their research where complic
ated vector analysis in complicated coordinate systems is required, Several
applications of this symbolic vector analysis package to plasma physics ar
e also given. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.