A comparison of ten two-phase relative permeability models is conducted usi
ng experimental, semianalytical and numerical approaches. Model predicted r
elative permeabilities are compared with data from 12 steady-state experime
nts on Berea and Brown sandstones using combinations of three white mineral
oils and 2% CaCl2 brine. The model results are compared against the experi
mental data using three different criteria. The models; are found to predic
t the relative permeability to oil, relative permeability to water and frac
tional flow of water with varying degrees of success. Relative permeability
data from four of the experimental runs are used to predict the displaceme
nt performance under Buckley-Leverett conditions and the results are compar
ed against those predicted by the models. Finally, waterflooding performanc
es predicted by the models are analyzed at three different viscosity ratios
using a two-dimensional, two-phase numerical reservoir simulator.