Several lines of evidence indicate that placebos produce analgesia through
the activation of endogenous opioid systems. Recently, we showed that place
bos may also produce respiratory depressant responses, a typical side-effec
t of narcotics, when a subject had a prior experience of respiratory depres
sion in the course of narcotic treatment, in the present study, we report t
hat the placebo respiratory depression can be induced after repeated admini
strations of the partial opioid agonist buprenorphine. The placebo respirat
ory depressant effect that resulted from the buprenorphine conditioning was
completely blocked by a dose of 10 mg of naloxone, indicating that it was
mediated by endogenous opioids. These findings show that placebos act, via
the activation of opioid receptors, not only on pain mechanisms but on the
respiratory centres as well, thus mimicking a typical side-effect of narcot
ics. In addition, the experimental procedure we used did not produce any ex
pectation of respiratory depression and, similarly, the subjects did not no
tice any sign of respiratory discomfort. Thus, the placebo respiratory depr
ession elicited in the present study cannot be explained on the basis of co
gnitive or motivational mechanisms. Rather, it appears to be a sequence eff
ect due to learning, thus suggesting a conditioning mechanism mediated by e
ndogenous opioids.