Purebred strains, pronounced phenotypic variation, and a high incidence of
heritable disease make the domestic dog uniquely suited to complement genet
ic analyses in humans and mice. A comprehensive genetic linkage map would a
fford many opportunities in dogs, ranging from the positional cloning of di
sease genes to the dissection of quantitative differences in size, shape, a
nd behavior. Here we report a canine linkage map with the number of mapped
loci expanded to 276 and 10-cM coverage extended to 75-90% of the genome. M
ost of the 38 canine autosomes are likely represented in the collection of
39 autosomal linkage groups. Eight markers were sufficiently informative to
detect linkage at distances of 10-13 cM, yet remained unlinked to any othe
r marker. Taken together, the results suggested a genome size of about 27 M
. As in other species, the genetic length varied between sexes, with the fe
male autosomal distance being similar to 1.4-fold greater than that of male
meioses. Fifteen markers anchored well-described genes on the map, thereby
serving as landmarks for comparative mapping in dogs. We discuss the utili
ty of the current map and outline steps necessary for future map improvemen