The spatially varying, interior geostrophic baroclinic heat flux component
of the total meridional oceanic heat flux near 24 degrees N in the Atlantic
Ocean is examined using four transatlantic hydrographic sections including
the October 1957 DISCOVERY II IGY section, the September 1981 ATLANTIS sec
tion, the August 1992 HESPERIDES section, the February 1998 RONALD H. BROWN
section and the 1982 Levitus and the Lozier, Owens, Curry climatologies. T
he 1992 section is complemented by shorter western boundary sections obtain
ed concurrently during the Trident cruise. We find an average southward bar
oclinic heat flux of 0.9 +/- 0.3 PW with an annual cycle amplitude of +/- 0
.3 PW. More than 90% of the annual cycle is captured within 30 degrees of t
he western boundary.