Congenital resistance to activated protein C due to a point mutation in the
factor V gene (Gln506-FV) is the most common genetic risk factor for famil
ial venous thrombosis. Considering the central role of activated protein C
as a physiological anticoagulant, the question of why the thrombotic risk a
ssociated with Gln506-FV was not more pronounced was asked. We hypothesized
that in Gln506-FV heterozygotes, enhanced thrombin formation might prefere
ntially activate protein C and thereby constitute a compensatory antithromb
otic effect. We compared the circulatory level of activated protein C in tw
elve heterozygous carriers of Gln506-FV mutation with that in eighteen nonc
arriers in same families, and used prothrombin fragment 1+2 as a measure of
thrombin generation. The circulating level of activated protein C was high
er but not significantly different in heterozygotes compared with normal re
latives. Activated protein C levels correlated strongly and positively with
protein C antigen levels in both carriers (Spearman R 0.684, p < 0.05) and
controls (Spearman R 0.642, p < 0.01). Correlation between activated prote
in C and prothrombin fragment 1+2 levels was of borderline significance (Sp
earman R 0.354, p = 0.055). In the current study, thrombin formation assess
ed by prothrombin fragment 1+2 levels was not significantly enhanced in sub
jects with heterozygous Gln506-FV compared with family members without the
mutation. In conclusion, enhanced thrombin formation is not present in all
healthy Gln506-FV heterozygotes in basal conditions. It seems that enhanced
protein C activation by thrombin does not constitute a compensatory antico
agulant feedback loop in heterozygous carriers of Gln506-FV. However, the p
ositive correlation between prothrombin fragment 1+2 and activated protein
C suggests that, in healthy subjects and in basal conditions, thrombin upre
gulates the anticoagulant protein C pathway. Thus, it is questionable wheth
er prothrombin fragment 1+2 can directly be used as an indicator of a hyper
coagulable state.