Male-killing bacteria, which are inherited through the female line and kill
male progeny only, are known from five different orders of insect. Our kno
wledge of the incidence of these elements has stemmed from discovery of the
ir phenotype in different species, Our estimate of the frequency with which
insects have been invaded by these elements therefore depends on each obse
rvation of the male-killing phenotype within a species being associated wit
h a single microorganism. We here record an example of a single insect spec
ies being infected with two taxonomically distinct male-killing bacteria. W
estern European populations of the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, ha
ve previously been shown to bear a male-killing Rickettsia, However, we her
e show that the majority of the male-killing lines tested from Central and
Eastern Europe do not bear this bacterium. Rather, 16S rDNA sequence analys
is suggests male-killing is associated with st member of the genus Spiropla
sma. We discuss this conclusion in relation to the evolutionary genetics of
male-killing bacteria, and the evolution of male-killing behaviour in the