Purpose: The purpose of this article is to report the pattern and frequency
of maxillofacial injuries resulting from all-terrain vehicle (ATV) acciden
ts, to evaluate the mechanisms of injury, to document the length of hospita
l stay, and to characterize other associated injuries in patients presentin
g to a level 1 trauma center.
Patients and Methods: The records of patients admitted to the University of
Kentucky Medical Center from July 1, 1995 through August 1996 with an ATV-
related injury were reviewed. Patients were included in the study if the ev
ents of their injury, demographic data, and the specifics of their perioper
ative care were sufficiently documented to provide the information pertinen
t to the investigation. Age, sex, mechanism of injury, facial injuries, ass
ociated injuries, and length of stay were the factors considered for the st
Results: Seventy-two patients met the criteria for the study. Fifty-nine (8
2%) were male, and 13 (18%) were female. Forty patients required operative
intervention. Twenty-five (35%) had soft tissue or bony injuries to the max
illofacial region. One mandibular and 13 midface fractures were identified.
Twelve of the patients with midface injuries had multiple facial fractures
. Orbital floor fractures occurred in seven patients. Two patients required
unilateral enucleation of the globe. Ten soft tissue injuries were diagnos
ed. Extremity fractures (n = 16) and closed head injuries (n = 17) were the
most commonly associated injuries. The length of hospital stay for all the
subjects identified in the study averaged 4.7 days. ATV rollover and being
thrown from a moving ATV were the most common mechanisms of injury.
Conclusions: Head and maxillofacial injuries, particularly midface injuries
, are common findings after Ani accidents. Orbital trauma with serious glob
e injury was a striking feature of this study. Multiple systems injuries sh
ould always be anticipated and identified. The public should be alerted to
the hazards of imprudent recreational vehicle use.