First ESR studies are reported on oriented carbynoid samples prepared by ch
emical dehydrofluorination of poly(vinylidene fluoride) films. Two types of
paramagnetic centres (PC), denoted as C-M1 and C-M2, and an anisotropic br
oad line were detected. The spectra of the PC C-M1 are isotropic with a g-v
alue of 2.0045 +/- 0.0003. The absorption by given PC is well saturated at
room temperature and the PC C-MI can be attributed either to free radical s
tates or pinned quasi-particles similar to topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger
The ESR and microwave photoconductivity results obtained confirm the quasi-
1D nature of the carbon chains, being the structural elements of the sample
s studied, and agree with the assumption that the ground state of carbon ch
ains is a state with a spin density wave (SDW) realized at room temperature
The ESR spectrum of the PC C-M2 consisting of a series of unsaturated lines
is anisotropic both in relation to the static magnetic field and in relati
on to the magnetic component of the microwave field. The study of the inter
action dynamics of the microwave field with PC C-M2, the absorption depende
nce with increase of the microwave field and the temperature dependence all
ow us to attribute the PC C-M2 to mobile quasi-particles, being domain wall
s in the alternated spin density distribution, tentatively solitons in the
It has been found that spin waves associated with the PC C-M2 can be observ
ed in samples treated thermally at 120 degrees C for 2 hours (the samples c
ontained fluorine with atomic ratio F/C = 3/7 and oxygen at 20 at.%).
It has been proven that the spin waves' excitation and the formation of qua
si-particles like solitons can represent the same process.