Phenolic phytochemicals are the largest category of phytochemicals and the
most widely distributed in the plant. kingdom. The 3 most important groups
of dietary phenolics are flavonoids, phenolic acids, and polyphenols. Flavo
noids are the largest group of plant phenols and the most studied. Phenolic
acids form a diverse group that includes the widely distributed hydroxyben
zoic and hydroxycinnamic acids. Phenolic polymers, commonly known as tannin
s, are com pounds of high molecular weight that are divided into 2 classes:
hydrolyzable and condensed tannins. Quantification of food phenolics is ju
st beginning, and preliminary results indicate high variability, even withi
n a given food. Phenolics are biologically active compounds that may posses
s some disease-preventive properties. Evidence for their ability to prevent
cancer or heart disease is preliminary and conflicting. The health benefit
s of phytochemicals have been reported in the popular press, and the public
will come to dietitians for answers to their questions about phytochemical