To quantify several acoustic features of the voice in patients with essenti
al tremor (ET). 28 patients and 28 age- and sex-matched controls were studi
ed. ET severity was assessed with the rating scale for tremor of Fahn, Tolo
sa, and Marin. The Computerized Speech Lab 4300 program (Kay Elemetrics) wa
s used. Two-second samples of a sustained /a/ and a sentence were captured
with a microphone and laryngograph equipment. Measures included fundamental
frequency (F-0), frequency perturbation (jitter, Koike algorithm), intensi
ty perturbation (shimmer, Horii algorithm), and harmonic-to-noise ratio (H/
N, Yumoto algorithm) of the vowel /a/. and the frequency and intensity vari
ability of the sentence, phonational range, and dynamic range at the natura
l frequency, maximum phonational time, and s/z ratio. All subjects underwen
t indirect laryngoscopy and/or laryngeal fibroscopy. When compared with con
trols, ET patients showed higher jitter, lower H/N ratio (the last one only
with laryngographic signal). of the vowel /a/, lower frequency variability
in the microphonic signal, lower intensity variability in the laryngograph
ic signal of the sentence, and significantly lower dynamic range at natural
frequency of phonation. ET patients reported higher frequency of the prese
nce of high voice intensity, tremor, and struggle. Several acoustic paramet
ers were influenced by the severity of the disease, including shimmer, jitt
er, H/N ratio, frequency variability of the sentence, and s/z ratio, althou
gh neither of the acoustic analysis values or the phonetometric measurement
s were affected by the presence of voice tremor or by a successful pharmaco
logical treatment of ET.