Objectives: To improve the intraoperative anatomic identification of normal
tissues during surgery using histologic-like criteria. Study Design: A con
tact telescope was used to identify normal visceral tissues in an animal mo
del using pigs and dogs during routine human surgical procedures. Methods:
Tissues that could be identified grossly were stained topically with methyl
ene blue and then examined with the contact telescope. The histologic appe
arance of these tissues with the contact telescope was correlated with rout
ine histologic hematoxylin and eosin stains obtained after such tissues wer
e excised. Results: Normal tissues, such as fat, blood vessels, muscle, and
parathyroid tissue, can be identified reliably in animals and humans. The
contact telescope appears to be able to differentiate between a variety of
visceral tissues in the neck and may become useful for practical differenti
ation between tissues during surgery.