Objectives: Genetic factors likely play a role in the etiology of chronic s
inusitis and this disease is often associated with diffuse panbronchiolitis
, which is strongly associated with HLA B54 antigen. The purpose of this st
udy is to examine whether genetic factors are involved in the pathogenesis
of chronic sinusitis. Study Design: Eighty-two Japanese patients with intra
ctable chronic sinusitis were selected on the basis of the following criter
ia: 1) persistent mucous or mucopurulent nasal discharge and/or post-nasal
dripping for longer than 3 years and 2) opacification in bilateral maxillar
y sinuses and ethmoid cells in plain X-ray films. Methods: Both class I and
class II HLA antigens were analyzed by conventional microcytotoxicity assa
ys in these patients and 176 healthy control subjects. Results: In class I
antigens, B54 antigen significantly increased in the patient group (antigen
frequency = 29.3%, relative risk = 3.23, corrected P value = .037) compare
d with normal control group (antigen frequency = 11.4%). For class II antig
ens, no antigens were significantly increased. Conclusion: These data indic
ate that certain genetic factors play a role in the etiology of chronic sin