How much information about the complete molecule is present in a part of th
e molecule? Quantum similarity measures provide comparisons between molecul
ar electron densities based on integration over the whole space. Such integ
ration involves boundaryless electron densities, whereas an early applicati
on of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem to local subsystems of molecules requires
these molecules to be confined to bounded, finite regions of the space. How
ever, actual molecules have no boundaries, they are not confined to any fin
ite region of the space. In order to find deterministic relations between l
ocal and global, boundaryless electron densities, and to classify the link
between quantum similarity measures involving the full space and local subs
ystems, the unique extension property called the holographic property of su
bsystems of complete, boundaryless electron densities is established. Any n
onzero volume piece of the ground state electron density completely determi
nes the electron density of the complete, boundaryless molecule.