The laboratory mouse is the premier model system for studies of mammalian d
evelopment due to the powerful classical genetic analysis(1) possible (see
also the Jackson Laboratory web site, and the ever-exp
anding collection of molecular tools(2,3). To enhance the utility of the mo
use system, we initiated a program to generate a large database of expresse
d sequence tags (ESTs) that can provide rapid access to genes(4-16). Of par
ticular significance was the possibility that cDNA libraries could be prepa
red from very early stages of development, a situation unrealized in human
EST projects(7,12). We report here the development of a comprehensive datab
ase of ESTs for the mouse. The project, initiated in March 1996, has focuse
d on 5' end sequences from directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed cDNA libra
ries. As of 23 October 1998, 352,040 sequences had been generated, annotate
d and deposited in dbEST, where they comprised 93% of the total ESTs availa
ble for mouse. EST data are versatile and have been applied to gene identif
ication(17), comparative sequence analysis(18,19), comparative gene mapping
and candidate disease gene identification(20), genome sequence annotation(
21,22), microarray development(23) and the development of gene-based map re