Acoustic transients-short, impulsive bursts of acoustic energy-are a r
ich source of information in the natural world. Biological systems pro
cess them quickly and economically. In this article, we describe a bio
logically inspired analog very-large-scale integration (VLSI) architec
ture for real-time classification of acoustic transients. Judicious no
rmalization of time-frequency signals allows an elegant and robust imp
lementation of a correlation algorithm. The algorithm replaces analog-
analog multiplication with binary multiplexing of analog signals. This
removes the need for analog storage and analog multiplication. Simula
tions show that the resulting algorithm has the same out-of-sample cla
ssification performance (about 93% correct) as a template-matching alg
orithm based on conventional analog correlation. This development pave
s the way for intelligent acoustic processing in low-power application
s such as cellular telephones and debit cards.