The results of a nationwide study about the development of interest in the
contents of the subject physics in school are discussed, More than 6000 stu
dents were questioned about their interest in physics and other variables r
elated to learning and achievement in a combined cross sectional and longit
udinal study. An analysis method (the mixed Rasch model) was used which mak
es it possible to take the qualitative differences among students with rega
rd to the interest structure and the quantitative differences in the degree
of interest into consideration at the same time. This first resulted in ar
ea specific types of interest which, however, proved to be relatively stabl
e for the areas of contents in physics. Interest structure and interest int
ensity were analyzed and interpreted with regard to their association with
gender and age. It is shown that the development of interest in physics is
primarily characterized by a change in the interest structure. A slight dec
line in the intensity of interest is secondary. This is especially true for
the girls.