Af. Carson et al., Effects of Texel or Rouge de l'Ouest genes in lowland ewes and rams on eweprolificacy, lamb viability and weaned lamb output, ANIM SCI, 68, 1999, pp. 69-78
An evaluation of the effects of the proportion of Texel or Rouge de l'Ouest
(Rouge) genes in ewes (0, 0.5 or 1.0; the remainder being Greyface (Border
Leicester X Scottish Blackface)) on prolificacy, lamb viability and lamb o
utput was undertaken. A comparison of Texel and Rouge sires was carried out
on Greyface, Texel and Rouge ewes. Prolificacy was higher in Greyface comp
ared with Texel ewes (P = 0.06) but was lower in Greyface compared with Rou
ge ewes (P < 0.001). Prolificacy was similar in Greyface and Texel X Greyfa
ce ewes mated to Texel rams and in Greyface and Rouge X Greyface ewes mated
to Rouge rams. The level of dystocia was similar in Greyface and Texel X G
reyface ewes but significantly higher in Texel ewes (P<0.001). The proporti
on of Rouge genes in the ewe had no effect on the level of dystocia. Litter
weight of lambs at birth was significantly heavier in Greyface (P < 0.001)
and Texel X Greyface (P < 0.01) ewes compared with Texel ewes. The proport
ion of Rouge genes in the ewe had no significant effect on litter weight. L
amb mortality (no. of lambs born dead and died birth to weaning) was signif
icantly greater with Rouge ewes compared with the other ewe breed types (P
< 0.001). The number of lambs which died from birth to weaning was lower wi
th Texel X Greyface compared with Greyface ewes (P < 0.01). Expressed on a
unit metabolic weight basis, Greyface ewes produced a significantly greater
weight Of lamb compared with Texel (P < 0.05) and Rouge ewes (P < 0.001).
Texel X Greyface cu,es produced a significantly greater weight of Texel-sir
ed lamb compared with Greyface (P < 0.01) and Texel ewes (P < 0.001).
Sire had a significant effect on a number of parameters. The number of prod
uctive ewes was significantly lower in ewes mated with Texel sires (P < 0.0
01). Lamb birth weights and pre-weaning growth rates were greater with Roug
e sires (P < 0.05). Number of lambs weaned per ewe lambed was significantly
greater with Tex-el sires (P < 0.01). Overall weight of weaned lamb produc
ed per ewe was not significantly affected by sire breed.