The present study explored the relationship between psychosocial measures a
nd the degree of coronary stenosis in a sample of 59 women between the ages
of 39 and 84. Coronary occlusion was correlated with elevated cholesterol
and marginally correlated with age and was inversely associated with years
of education. Based on hierarchical multiple regression, and interview-base
d measure of hostility multiple regression, and interview-based measure of
hostility was associated with coronary stenosis after controlling for tradi
tional risk factors, and age moderated the hostility-stenosis relationship.
Further, a second regression model suggested that trait anxiety was invers
ely correlated with degree of occlusion, perhaps because low-anxious women
are referred for catheterization later in the course of the disease. Contra
ry to hypotheses, there was no evidence that repression of interview-based
hostility or anxiety predicted coronary occlusion. Given the small sample s
ize, results should be considered preliminary. Future studies should explor
e the degree to which anxiety and hostility are associated with coronary he
art disease (CHD) in larger samples of women and the degree to which age mo
derates the hostility-occlusion association.