Background: The planum temporale, located on the posterior and superior sur
face of the temporal lobe, is a brain region thought to be a biological sub
strate of language and possibly implicated in the pathophysiology of schizo
phrenia. To investigate further the role of planum temporale abnormalities
in schizophrenia, we measured gray matter volume underlying the planum temp
orale from high spatial resolution magnetic resonance imaging techniques.
Methods: Sixteen male patients with chronic schizophrenia and 16 control su
bjects were matched for age, sex, handedness, and parental socioeconomic st
atus. Magnetic resonance imaging images were obtained from a 1.5-T magnet.
Results: Gray matter volume was significantly reduced in the left planum te
mporale (28.2%) in schizophrenic patients compared with normal controls. Sc
hizophrenic patients showed a reversal of the left greater than right planu
m temporale asymmetry found in normal controls. Heschl's gyrus (primary aud
itory cortex) showed no differences between the left and right sides in eit
her group. Of note, the Suspiciousness/Persecution subscale score of the Po
sitive and Negative Syndrome Scale was associated with reduced left planum
temporale volume in schizophrenic patients.
Conclusions: Patients with schizophrenia have reduced left planum temporale
gray matter and a reversal of planum temporale asymmetry, which may underl
ie an impairment in language processing and symptoms of suspiciousness or p
ersecution characteristic of schizophrenia.