Two different types of immobilized yeast bioreactors were examined for cont
inuous fermentation of high-gravity worts. One of these is a fluidized bed
reactor (FBR) that employs porous glass beads for yeast immobilization. The
second system is a loop reactor containing a porous silicon carbide cartri
dge (SCCR) for immobilizing the yeast cells. Although there was some residu
al fermentable sugar in the SCCR system product, nearly complete attenuatio
n of the wort sugars was achieved in either of the systems when operated as
a two-stage process. Fermentation could be completed in these systems in o
nly half the time required for a conventional batch process. Both the syste
ms showed similar kinetics of extract consumption, and therefore similar vo
lumetric productivity. As compared to the batch fermentation, total fusel a
lcohols were lower; total esters, while variable, were generally higher. Th
e yeast biomass production was similar to that in a conventional fermentati
on process. As would be expected in an accelerated fermentation system, the
levels of vicinal diketones (VDKs) were higher. To remove the VDKs, the yo
ung beer was heat-treated to convert the VDK precursors and processed throu
gh a packed bed immobilized yeast bioreactor for VDK assimilation. The fini
shed product from the FBR system was found to be quite acceptable from a fl
avor perspective, albeit different from the product from a conventional bat
ch process. Significantly shortened fermentation times demonstrate the feas
ibility of this technology for beer production.