Concurrent Engineering requires a cooperative work-group of teams in which
several multidisciplinary teams of engineers, designers, process planners c
ollaborate to build a system. Conflicts appear during this collaboration du
e to differences in the background and experiences of the team members (pro
duct engineers, designers, process planners, etc.) in the work-groups. To l
everage the product development teams' (PDTs-engineers, designers, managers
, and knowledge workers) know-how during product development, a historical
trace of their experiences in a particular domain of interest can be captur
ed into a series of digital or virtual models. In this paper the authors pr
esent some guidelines to build such library of knowledge components particu
larly for conflict management. How this generic library of knowledge compon
ents would model work-group tasks in CE is explained. Also the authors desc
ribe how to develop methods to manage conflicts in CE tasks, and a methodol
ogy to use this library.