The purpose of this study was fu identify, and describe the scope of practi
ce trends of diabetes educators in the state Of Georgia.
The Diabetes Educator Responsibilities Questionnaire (DERQ) was sent to 221
members of the American Association of Diabetes Educators listed in the 19
95 membership directory in Georgia. Of the 221 members, 97 returned complet
ed questionnaires. This population of healthcare professionals comprised th
e sample population.
In assessing the primary responsibilities of the sample, more than 50% of t
he responsibilities performed six of mine nine educator roles. LESS than 50
% of the respondents indicated that they "Always" or "Frequently" risen beh
avior modification strategies in teaching people with diabetes.
The questionnaire used in this study should Dc expanded to elicit more deta
iled information regarding decisions to use OY not use behavior modificatio
n techniques in diabetes education.