Jf. Reynolds et al., Impact of drought on desert shrubs: Effects of seasonality and degree of resource island development, ECOL MONOGR, 69(1), 1999, pp. 69-106
Large areas of semiarid grasslands in the southwestern United States have b
een virtually replaced by shrubs during the past century. Understanding the
causes and consequences of such vegetation dynamics requires that we eluci
date the interplay between external forces of change (e.g., climate, human
impacts) and the internal forces within these ecosystems that foster resili
ence and/or stability. Several conceptual models of arid ecosystems address
this interplay by including the potential role of autogenic shrub effects
on ecosystem processes, which lead to the formation of "resource islands" a
nd tend to promote shrub persistence. Specifically, during the process of s
hrub establishment and maturation, the cycling of nutrients is progressivel
y confined to the zones of litter accumulation beneath shrubs, while bare i
ntershrub spaces become increasingly nutrient poor. As shrub resource islan
ds develop, there is increased interception and stemflow by shrub canopies,
confining infiltration of nutrient-enriched rainfall directly beneath the
shrubs; the barren intershrub spaces generate overland flow, soil erosion b
y wind and water, and nutrient losses. These islands are preferred sites fo
r the regeneration of shrubs and herbaceous plants and are correlated with
spatial variation in soil microbial populations and soil microfauna that pr
omote nutrient cycling. Lf further changes in the transition between grassl
and and shrubland are to be correctly predicted-or if we wish to intervene
and redirect transitions-we must develop a greater mechanistic understandin
g of the structural and functional relationships between shrubs and the res
ource islands associated with them.
We conducted a 3-yr field study in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico
to explore the relationships between seasonal manipulations of soil water
and its impact on soil nutrient dynamics of resource islands and shrub grow
th and physiology. At our study site, where total annual precipitation is s
imilar to 230 mm (similar to 65% falls during the summer period), we simula
ted seasonal drought in summer (1 June-30 September) and winter/spring (1 O
ctober-31 May) by constructing large rainfall-exclusion shelters over shrub
resource islands at different stages of development. Our experiment tests
two principal hypotheses. The first is that the two major shrub species in
the Jornada Basin, creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) and mesquite (Prosopis
glandulosa), have different growth phenologies, rooting patterns, and physi
ological responses to resource availability (primarily water). The second i
s that different size classes of shrubs ("small" and "large") represent dis
tinct stages of resource island development (i.e., "young" and "mature," re
spectively) and, hence, different stabilities-that is, as islands develop,
their associated shrubs become less coupled to short-term fluctuations in p
recipitation and more resistant to long-term drought or climate shifts.
With regard to the first hypothesis, we conclude that the two species are r
elatively similar in function despite the different phenological "strategie
s" of Larrea (evergreen) and Prosopis (winter deciduous), In the absence of
drought, both species exhibited maximal rates of shoot and root growth, as
well as high photosynthesis and transpiration, in late spring. This remain
ed as the period for maximal growth and physiological activity for Prosopis
shrubs that experienced drought in either summer or winter/spring. On the
other hand, Larrea shrubs that experienced drought in winter/spring had max
imal growth and activity shifted to the summer period, and in the absence o
f drought, Larrea shrubs also exhibited high physiological activity during
the summer (especially following high rainfall). Thus, Larrea appears to ha
ve a greater capacity for shifting its activity patterns to alternate perio
ds to take advantage of changes in resource availability. Shrubs of both sp
ecies appeared well adapted to withstand season-long droughts. Mechanisms f
or survival include the following capacities: (1) to shift growth and physi
ological activity to utilize different temporal moisture (Larrea); (2) to u
tilize different levels of soil water (both species); (3) to carry out limi
ted physiological activity and growth during drought (especially Larrea); a
nd (4) to compensate for some negative impacts of drought through enhanced
physiology (especially Prosopis) and growth (especially Larrea) in the seas
on following drought. With regard to the second hypothesis, we again found
more similarities than differences between the different aged (young vs. ma
ture) islands. The stage of maturity of a resource island complex did not s
eem to be a significant factor to the growth and physiological activity of
the shrub.