Occupational exposure to complex platinum salts is a well-known cause of oc
cupational asthma, Although there is evidence that platinum refinery worker
s may also be sensitized to other precious metals, such as palladium or rho
dium, no instances of occupational asthma due to an isolated sensitization
to palladium have been reported.
A case is reported of occupational rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma in a prev
iously healthy worker exposed to the fumes of an electroplating bath contai
ning palladium, There was no exposure to platinum.
Sensitization to palladium was documented by skin-prick tests, The skin-pri
ck test was positive with Pd(NH3)(4)Cl-2, but not with (NH4)(2)PdCl4. Corre
sponding salts of platinum were all negative, a bronchial provocation test
with Pd(NH3)(4)Cl-2 (0.0001% for a total of 315 s, followed by 0.001% for a
total of 210 s) led to an early decrease in forced expiratory volume in on
e second (-35%). A similar exposure (0.001% for a total of 16 min) in an un
related asthmatic gave no reaction.
This case shows that an isolated sensitization to palladium can occur and t
hat respiratory exposure to palladium is a novel cause of metal-induced occ
upational asthma.