Inflammatory fibroid polyp is an uncommon lesion involving the stomach, the
small bowel and occasionally the colon. Inflammatory fibroid polyp is a la
rge polypoid lesion arising from the submucosa. It has no malignant potenti
al although extensive infiltration may occur. The main histological charact
eristics are diffuse inflammatory infiltrate with eosinophils and highly va
scularized fibrocytic stroma. Immunohistochemistry is always positive for v
imentine and negative for S 100 and desmin. We report four cases of inflamm
atory fibroid polyps, 3 of which mimicked carcinoma of the colon. Explorato
ry laparotomy and histopathological examination of the resected specimen we
re necessary to confirm definitive diagnosis. In the last case, diagnosis w
as established by histological examination of an endoscopically-removed col
onic polyp.