We have genotyped 292 affected sibling pairs (ASPs) with Alzheimer's diseas
e (AD) according to NINCDS-ADRDA diagnostic criteria and with onset ages of
greater than or equal to 65 years using 237 microsatellite markers separat
ed by an average distance of 16.3 cM, Data were analysed by SPLINK and MAPM
AKER/SIBS on the whole sample of 292 ASPs and subsets of 162 ASPs where bot
h members possessed an apolipoprotein E (APOE) epsilon 4 allele and 63 pair
s where neither possessed an epsilon 4 allele, Sixteen peaks with a multipo
int lod score (MLS) >1 either in the whole sample, the epsilon 4-positive o
r -negative subgroups were observed on chromosomes 1 (two peaks), 2, 5, 6,
9 (two peaks), 10(two peaks), 12, 13, 14, 19, 21 and X (two peaks). Simulat
ion studies revealed that these findings exceeded those expected by chance,
although many are likely to be false positives. The highest lod scores on
chromosomes 1 (MLS 2.67), 9 (MLS 2.38), 10 (MLS 2.27) and 19 (MLS 1.79) ful
fil Lander and Kruglyak's definition of 'suggestive' in that they would be
expected to occur by chance once or less per genome scan. Several other pea
ks were only marginally less significant than this, in particular those on
chromosomes 14(MLS 2.16), 5 (MLS 2.00), 12, close to alpha 2-macroglobulin
(MLS 1.91), and 21, close to amyloid precursor protein (MLS 1.77), This is
the largest genome scan to date in AD and shows for the first time that thi
s is a genetically complex disorder involving several, perhaps many, genes
in addition to APOE, Moreover, our data will be of interest to those hoping
to identify positional candidate genes using information emerging from neu
robiological studies of AD.