This paper describes an algorithm which can achieve a constant bit rate whe
n coding multiple video objects, The implementation is a nontrivial extensi
on of the MPEG-4 rate control algorithm for single video objects which empl
oys a quadratic rate-quantizer model. The algorithm is organized into two s
tages: a pre- and a postencoding stage. In the preencoding stage, an initia
l target estimate is made for each object. Based on the buffer fullness, th
e total target is adjusted and then distributed proportional to the relativ
e size, motion, and variance of each object. Based on the new individual ta
rgets and rate-quantizer relation for texture, appropriate quantization par
ameters are calculated. After each object is encoded, the model parameters
for each object are updated, and if necessary, frames are skipped to ensure
that the buffer does not overflow. A preframeskip control is exercised to
avoid buffer overflow when the motion and shape information occupies a sign
ificant portion of the bit budget. The rate control algorithm switches betw
een two operation modes so that the coder can reduce the spatial coding acc
uracy for an improved temporal resolution, A shape-coding control mechanism
is also proposed, which provides a tradeoff between texture and shape codi
ng accuracy, Overall, the algorithm is able to successfully achieve the tar
get bit rate, effectively code arbitrarily shaped objects, and maintain a s
table buffer level. These techniques have been adopted hy the MPEG committe
e in July 1997 as part of the video Verification Model (VM8).