In an earlier paper, we studied the problem of guessing a random vector X w
ithin distortion D, and characterized the best attainable exponent E(D, rho
) of the rho th moment of the number of required guesses G(X) until the gue
ssing error falls below D. In this correspondence, we extend these results
to a multistage, hierarchical guessing model, which allows for a faster sea
rch for a codeword vector at the encoder of a rate-distortion codebook. In
the two-stage case of this model, if the target distortion level is D-2, th
e guesser first makes guesses with respect to (a higher) distortion level D
-1, and then, upon his/her first success, directs the subsequent guesses to
distortion D-2. As in the above-mentioned earlier paper, we provide a sing
le-letter characterization of the best attainable guessing exponent, which
relies heavily on well-known results on the successive refinement problem.
We also relate this guessing exponent function to the source-coding error e
xponent function of the two-step coding process.