This paper discusses the excitation and physical validity of both surface-w
ave and space-wave leaky modes on microstrip lines. This is done by analyzi
ng the discrete modal spectrum excited by a realistic source on or near an
infinite microstrip line. A semi-analytical three-dimensional (3-D) Green's
function is used for this purpose, which provides the current excited on t
he conducting strip due to the source. The 3-D Green's function is in the f
orm of a spectral integration (inverse Fourier transform) in the longitudin
al wavenumber plane. The poles of the integrand directly determine the exci
tation amplitudes of the modes on the structure that are launched by the so
urce. The integrand also has different types of branch points, and the loca
tion of the poles on the various Riemann sheets is used to determine the ph
ysical significance of the leaky modes. Although the theory presented here
is illustrated for a microstrip line, the conclusions apply in general to o
pen printed-circuit structures.